Saturday, February 26, 2011

African Latino Voodoo Drums - Choco & His Mafimba Drum Rhythms

Fantasia Haitiana
African Latino Voodoo Drums
Choco & His Mafimba Drum Rhythms
Audio Fidelity AFSD 6102

Audio Fidelity released records with well designed covers!

According to the back cover Choco is short for Chocolate. There is extensive notes covering the history of Afro-American folk music on the jacket, but nothing is mention about the performer(s) on this record.

The first three tracks on the B side are Fantasia Haitiana. From the back cover: The Fantasia Haitiana Nos. 1, 2 and 3 are unusual because they show how, in the hands of an artist like Chocolate, primitive rhythms can be developed into a set of metrical variations.

The entire recording focuses on variations of drum percussion.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it! Cover's great, the drumming hypnotic! I wanna find this too!


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