Friday, December 3, 2010

Tahiti - Yesterday And Today

Taora Mai Te Hei (side one) & No Oe Hei (side two)
Yesterday And Today
Quinn's Combo
The Tahitian Native Group
RCA Victor LSP-3344

Side one features Quinn's Combo covering tradition Tahitian songs in their "swing style". Side two "...brings you the "old Tahiti" style of Tahitian Native Group, also recorded in Papeete."

The is no information on Quinn to be found online. From the back cover: Everybody who goes to Tahiti and its capital city of Papeete eventually winds up at Quinn's Club, a water-front rendezvous that's a "must" for tourists.

Many of the songs are credited to Gaston Guilbert, who from the back cover, was a "knowledgeable Tahitian musicologist, who co-produced this album with RCA Victor's Herman Diaz, Jr.

Guilbert was a French cinematographer, producer and collector of Tahitian recordings. He founded the first professional recording studio on the island. His archives are preserved by "Institut de la communication audiovisuelle".


  1. Well that is just fabulous! Makes me crave a tiki cocktail! I wonder if that water front bar is still there today?

  2. Good question. Here's a web page that may interest you Tink:

  3. Thanks Mark! Yes I am already a member of Tiki Central! REALLY great message board. I am Tiki Tinkie over there :-)


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