Friday, December 31, 2010

Sounds For Sick? People

Sounds For Sick? People
Shell 1711

I had no idea what to expect out of this set, an obvious gimmick album on a label that I had never seen before. On quick glance, the rear cover reveals no information. The copy is humorous fluff intended to prop up the gimmick. All of the song titles have something to do with illness or doctoring. On closer examination I found that the musicians are credited. They include Al Caiola on Guitar, Frank Rehak - Trombone, Boomie Richmond - Flute/Woodwind, Georgie Auld - Tenor Sax, Don Lamond - Drums, Moe Wechsler - Piano/Organ, Sol Schlinger - Baritone Sax.

I recognized a number of names and loved the 60s cover illustration so I bought the album. I wasn't disappointed. This is a great early space age pop record featuring many cool tunes that may help cure what ails you. The record is somewhat obscure, but I noted, today, that a copy hadn't sold on ebay for $1. I paid more than that. It's worth at least that and the cost of shipping. A fun addition to your atomic age collection.


  1. I've never seen anything like this, and I'm a huge fan of Space Age Pop and Exotica. What is especially curious about this is, despite my many hours of digging thru boxes of old, beat-up records, I've never seen the Shell label on a record cover. Great post. Rather, might I say great blog; it's always fun looking thru your posts.

  2. An amazing gen of Exotica. I must own one!Al Caiola?? Amazing! If Caiola is a part of this I can't believe it isn't more well known!

  3. A friend bought this a couple of months ago and it is cool. I tried to trade for it but no go.

  4. How have I never seen your blog before>!?!? Especially since we've been around for about the same amount of time. Maybe I just forgot about it. Great stuff all the same. I added you to my blogroll.

    1. Howdy! Thanks for the add to blogroll... I guess I don't have that function turned on or I'm still looking for it. It's been a long time since I set up my format. But I followed! Cheers!


Howdy! Thanks for leaving your thoughts!