Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sears Golden Strings - Be My Love & Other Love Songs

Stairway To The Stars
Sears Golden Strings
Be My Love & Other Love Songs

This is the second Sears produced LP I've found. My first find (Golden Voices In Hollywood) was a bit of a treasure because Sears tried to cover pop songs with studio vocalists. That release was a campy 60s disaster. Sears, however, left the vocals off this release and gifted us with a straight forward and smooth mood set.

The Sears price was $1.49.


  1. Sears has their hand in everything back in the day...

  2. Hi.
    Would you please tell me the year of this release?
    I also want to to hear at least a sample of "Be my love" (the specific song). Is it possible for you to upload it?.

    Thank you.

  3. Thank you for your comment. One thing I try to do is to research the release date. If you don't see a date on a post, it is because, at the time of the post, I could not find an exact date. I'm sorry that I can't be more helpful and upload another song. I rarely post more than one sample from an LP.


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