Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Mystic Mood Orchestra - Extensions

The Mystic Moods Orchestra
Philips PHS 600-301

This was the 17th "Moods" release. The April 19, 1969 Billboard "spotlighted" the album saying: Their (Moods) revolutionary sound in music will again prove to be another sales giant.

Mystic Moods sets blend natural sound effects, easy listening, 60 pop and quirky arrangements. The albums are like concept projects even though popular tunes are covered. On this album your will find a beautiful cover of The Beatles Norwegian Wood. And there is also a cover of Mac Arthur Park on the B side that is totally outrageous!


  1. I have a couple of things by them. No Norwegian Wood, though, and that is my fave Beatles tune!!

  2. I recently found this album too, and I agree-nice psyche orchestration, a lot of inventive music and the soundeffects melding into the songs creates a very relaxing vibe. The cover is one of the coolest Ive seen.

  3. I have 12 Albuns and two cds and they are mine


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