Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Let Yourself Go!

Let Yourself Go!
Limited Edition Collector's Album
Created Exclusively For American Express
Columbia Special Products CSM 477

This was some type of advertising vehicle for American Express that was "Not Available In Record Stores".

There are no hints in the copy to suggest what American Express was promoting. Travel?


  1. Fab 60's advertising fodder! Love that cover!!!

  2. I had this album and totally wore it out. Been desperate to find a digital version of its contents for years! (I may have to give up and go dig out the LP from whatever hidden storage are it is located and digitize it myself.)

    That's what happens when you're desperate to hear "How Are Things In Glocca Morra?" by Julie Andrews.

  3. This was the very first album I bought. I got it from the record bin at the local IGA store, so it was available other than as a promotional item. I was five years old, I got a quarter allowance a week and this was a dollar. I begged my mother for an advance and she granted it. It was (and still is) my favorite album, and i digitized it myself. Not only is "How Are Things In Glocca Morra" fabulous - so is "Warm and Willing" by Johnny Mathis. Cliff, I'd be happy to share. . .

  4. Bought this album in 1976 at a Chicago-suburb vinyl warehouse store. Carried it back on the plane to Alabama. Most of the tracks I have found on CD except maybe Brother's Four's Try to Remember and Steve Lawrence's People.


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