Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dance To The Magic Of Billy Daniels

Dance To The Magic Of Billy Daniels
Golden Tone 9644 S

Here's a Billy Daniels album sporting a graphically sweet cover.

Daniels was an active singer in the United States from the mid-1930s to 1986, two years before his death. Read about Daniels on his widipedia page.

This is a rocking lounge styled record with some pretty peppy electric guitar breaks. Downloads are available online. I Found A New Baby would be the sample track I would download for a listen.


  1. What a gem! GReat cover and I am sure you are right about the re-release from a 10" LP

  2. I found your blog while searching informationon this album I picked up at a thrift store for .25 cents. And my copy is YELLOW!!!


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