Monday, November 1, 2010

Stereo Action - Leo Addeo

I Found A Million Dollar Baby
Stereo Action
The Music Goes 'Round And 'Round
The Sound You Eyes Can Follow
Leo Addeo And His Orchestra
Produced by Marty Gold
RCA Victor LSA-2353

The record comes in a heavy (double thick) jacket with a die-cut through the front cover (the oval shape revealing the spiral image found on the glossy record sleeve).

The recording was made in Webster Hall. This is a concert hall referred to on many albums I've collected from the period. However, this is the first time the jacket notes have referred to the environment as "...a somewhat garish dance hall...".

There are a number of "Stereo Action" albums to be collected. Additional releases also feature lavish die-cut covers.

Basically, RCA attempted to grab the attention of record buyers by playing up "stereo" as some sort of mystical technique that might actually "visualized". All RCA did, for the most part, was to roll audio from one channel to another. And, frankly, it's a bit annoying (at least listening through headphones). Maybe listening through speakers would be better. Enoch Light/Command and Mercury put stereo to better use during the same time period.

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