Friday, November 26, 2010

The Little Red Wagon

Chocolate Train
The Little Red Wagon
Rocking Horse Orchestra & Chorus
Tinkerbell & Rocking Horse Records 3326


  1. What a FUN record! I adore it! A Trip in a Rocket Ship?? Wasn't that the one that you should have posted? Not as good?

  2. Sadly... the Rocket Ship song... the reason I bought the album... was on the dull side.

  3. I can't believe this. I've been searching for this for years! I remember a different album cover. A boy and his pet in a red wagon flying through outer space.

  4. I have also been looking for this album for many years. I still have mine from my childhood, but sad to say I loved it too much and it shows. My cover is of a little boy and his friend in the little red wagon being pulled by his dog with the cow jumping over the moon in the background. I would love to hear more of the songs. Thank you for posting the Chocolate train. Have you posted others and I'm just not finding them?


Howdy! Thanks for leaving your thoughts!