Friday, November 5, 2010

Lee Evans In Concert

If I Should Lose You
Lee Evans In Concert
The Concert Touch
New And Exciting Popular Piano Arrangements
Command Records RS 33-858

The cover features another wonderful Charles E. Murphy cover graphic. Often copied, Enoch Light/Command is known for a slew of fine minimalist jacket designs.

This Command release was originated and produced by Enoch Light. The "A" side does have a touch of that "concert hall drama" to it. The B side, a little jazz and light pop. The project seems to lack real direction and folks in the know were likely to pass up this album for a Shearing release.  And, in my opinion, the engineering just isn't up to Light's excellent standards.

I can't find much info on Evans other than he made several records on the Command Label in the 60s. There are copious jacket notes that essentially state that Light "discovered" Evans playing in a "trio" and serving as musical director for Carol Channing.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen this very recently. Either I have it or another Zombie recently showed it as well! Nice stuff!


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