Saturday, November 27, 2010

Atlantis In Hi-Fi - Carl Wolfgang

Rapture Of The Deep

Atlantis In Hi-Fi
The Bavarian State Symphony Orchestra
Directed by Carl Wolfgang
Composed and scored by Alexander Laszlo
Carlton Record Corporation LP 12/106

From the back cover: While atomic submarines plumb the depths beneath the Polar Cap; while frogmen descend deeper into the sea trenches that was deemed possible; while marine mysteries daily yield to scientific fingers pointed at distillation of the salt waters and nutritional conversion of the marshy grasses; while these exploits become more daring and wonderful the legendary Atlantis becomes a fresh topic of consideration. 

Atlantis... the fabled Lost Continent! Figment of mythology or smoky illusion that many revert to some actual volcanic explosion of many thousands years ago... quien sabe? But the picture of an undersea world in existence now teases the fancy as never before! The sound of the sea; the power and enchantment of the brooding bottom waters... these inspire new symphonies of the submariners universe.

Thus, we come to the motif of Atlantis In Hi-Fi, scored and composed by Alexander Laszlo as the result of an unusual motion picture assignment. The film, Columbia Pictures' "Forbidden Island", produced by C. B. Griffith, almost wholly deals with underwater sequences. For his soundtrack setting, Laszlo has painted a modern audio picture in symphonic hi-fi of the now still, now stormy subterranean world where perhaps today (what fantasies of science fiction have not already become realities) the fabled Atlantis dies exist and breathe... e'en with gills.

Mr. Laszlo's scoring is executed brilliantly and reverently by the 63-piece Bavarian State Symphony orchestra conducted by Carl Wolfgang. The Bavarian State Symphony orchestra of course, is world-renowned with prominent recordings of major works in the libraries of most recordphiles. Mr. Laszlo's credits include: Solo recitals on concert piano with Eugene Ormandy, the Berlin Bluethner orchestra and the Hollywood Bowl orchestra. In addition he has composed over thirty sound track scores for all major studios as well as over fifty major symphonic publications – Jay Arcy

From Billboard - December 15, 1958: This set contains the score from the sound track of the flick "Forbidden Island." It is interesting and listenable background music, played lushly by the large Bavarian State Symphony orchestra under the direction of Carl Wolfgang. Those who see the flick will be prime customers for the album and it makes a good display piece for dealers when the pic plays their town.

The Coral Empire
Temple Of Poseidon
Traffic Of A Sunken City
Sunset On The Ocean Floor
Night Below The Reef
Conference Of The Sea Gods
Rapture Of The Deep
War At Ninety Fathoms
Exiles Of Atlantis

1 comment:

  1. AH, sounds promising as Exotica but you recommend Denny instead? ok, good to know!


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