Sunday, November 7, 2010

101 Strings - A Night In The Tropic

101 Strings
A Night In The Tropics
Somerset P-4400

I'm a sucker for any album with a tropical theme... even a 101 Strings album... although you never want to get your hopes up. In fact, there are at least three very good 101s out there to be had including a wonderful album titled, Que Mango! which was arranged and conducted by Les Baxter.

I don't think 101 Strings ever set foot on a tropical island because they knew their instruments would immediately go out of tune in the humidity. Lucky for them this album was recorded in Hamburg, Germany and likely in the dead of winter.

This album is pleasant lush mood, but even the track titled "Exotic Night" is far from exotic sounding.


  1. HA! I find so many of their LP's but never those that you say are really good. Those are being evasive!

  2. Could you please tell me how one is supposed to download? Thanks :)

  3. This one is available a digital purchase/download, so I didn't post a sample.


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