Monday, October 4, 2010

Julie London - Tenderly Yours

Julie London
Tenderly Yours
Guest Star Records GS-1417

Guest Star was big on recycling name material. In this case, Julie London. To fill out the LP, Guest Star blended in Ted Comstock big band tracks. Both album covers shown above feature the same material and catalog number.

There is a item in the October, 1962 Billboard warning dealers about this album. Mathematically, Julie is only 40 precent of the album, and 60 percent is made up of straight instrumentals... even though the cover gives the big play to Miss London. Her numbers are oldies and the the stereo sounds "re-processed". Same general talent policy is followed on other "Guest Star" albums from this label.

Love London's stuff, none-the-less and the cover art is nicely handled.


  1. strange that it was 'filled' with Comstock. Fun score, though! Cool cover.

  2. Even though it was "older" London stuff... it was probably all that Guest Star could afford.

  3. Mono issue has a completely different cover.

  4. This is a nice blog. Congratulations. There are some albums that I'd like to have, but the links where they are? Thank you in advance for your reply. Merry Christmas and good New Year

  5. Thank Pino! I don't post samples of records that are available as mp3 purchase download or on CD. London, of course, is well known and most of her stuff can be found at the usual online stores such as Amazon. Otherwise, I post single samples for the most part due to time and server space. And I like to keep my blog as more of an "introduction" to some of the records I find.

  6. The Julie London tracks were recycled from a previous Bethlehem records compilation album called "Nina Simone and her friends." Before Julie London secured an album deal at Liberty Records, she cut a 4 track demo record for Bethlehem Records, whose biggest success story at that time was Chris Connor. Bethlehem passed on giving Julie an album deal, and so she landed a deal with Liberty Records and recorded almost 30 albums. The tracks "You're Blase" "Motherless Child" "A Foggy Day" and "Don't Worry About Me" were recorded with Bobby Troup and his band.

  7. Thanks Eddie! Just yesterday I picked up another copy of this record with an actual photograph of Julie on the cover. I'll try and post it here soon.


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