Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Home For Christmas - Wayne Dunn

White Christmas
Home For Christmas
Wayne Dunn
Piano And Organ
Majestic Records WDST 112

Local, Cincinnati, Ohio, vanity press Christmas album with references to Bible numerology on the back cover. "The number 3 appears 7 times (on the cover). 3 Children, 3 Toys, 3 Candles, 3 Logs, 3 Piece Brass Fireplace Set, 3 Stockings and 3 Toys In Each Stocking. With the note that this 3-7 thing was "unplanned".

There is also a note where the photo was taken and who the children are (Robyn, Wesley and Jonathan). Folks just don't make recordings like this anymore, or at least package them this way.

Rusty York is credited as an engineer. His name more frequently appears in association with Jewel Records.


  1. That three thing is as creepy as a horror movie! Fabulous! Either Biblical or complete OCD.

  2. I knew Wayne Dunn. If he has posted on the album cover that the 3s and the 7 just happened, I'll take that to the bank! Nothing "creepy" about it.

  3. Where was the fireplace photo taken?

  4. I too knew Wayne, he was in my home, played piano and I think the cover of the fireplace is in our home in Kentucky


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