Monday, September 6, 2010

Gypsy Romance Gypsy Fire

A Russian Fantasy
Gypsy Romance Gypsy Fire
Dyna Disc SCH-824

I can find no information on the Dyna Disc label. I think that there may have been an association with another budget label, Somerset. This record is a grab bag of tunes DynaDisc found laying around the office including a 101 Strings track (Dark Eyes). Another, much more obscure but very nice track is: A Russian Fantasy by Sania Poustylnicof.


  1. Dyna Disc was definitely manufactured by Miller International (Somerset) some of the releases are exactly the same as Somerset (pressed from the same stampers) with different covers. Some (like this) are original titles compiled from various Somerset albums. There is almost a complete discography on the back cover...I suspect they were made for a chain store to sell as loss leaders.

  2. Just found a perfect one for 25cent .


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