Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sounds To Make You Shiver!

Sounds To Make You Shiver
Black&White SPC-5101
Product of JKL Entertainment Productions

This album is a great collectable for the lurid and garish cover art.

Side one, A Night In A Haunted House is one long wind storm with other FX thrown in. At one point there is even a little music which is nice. The recording drifts and the use of FX is sparse making this a good recording for use in other audio projects or for video presentations.

Side two has some nice creepy sound effects. Phantom Piano is very cool.

I think this is a re-release of a Pickwick album (same cover art, but no "Pickwick" logo). The album may also have been released on the SOMA label. I've seen the album on another blog sporting the same name but with a different and very fun cover imagine.

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty sure I have this. Not sure if it's this or the Pickwick copy


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