Monday, August 2, 2010

Something Strange

Cuban Love Song
Something Strange
Michael Strange
RKO Unique ULP 125

Strange and Startling? Not in my opinion. The album is a pleasant and unique folk album that features nice vocal treatments. The question is, who at RKO decided to go with such a strange album cover?

From the back cover: The startling and different (to say the least!) cover of this album may quite possibly cause you to quickly catch your breath...and no doubt, do a double-take...but then, when you hear the music that is packaged beneath the "glamorous" photo of our slightly undernourished friend, you'll probaly catch your breath again, for here, you will meet the exciting MICHAEL STRANGE, balladier without peer, and often referred to as the wandering minstrel of the cocktail set. For some twenty years, "Mike" has captivated the gold coast night club audiences in Miami Beach where he makes his home.

Now in the third year of his engagement, the Irish folk singer is currently appearing at the smart Black Magic Room where he performs nightly to capacity crowds. With a total of eleven languages at his command (he sings in four, speaks in seven others), Mike has compiled a fantastic repertoire over the years of more than 5,000 songs, some of which date back three centuries and can be traced to practically every corner of the globe. With several network television appearances in addition to weekly guest spots in Miami, the guitar-strumming troubador quickly built a huge and loyal following and "the Strange touch" continues to draw packed houses nightly in the fabulous beach resort. With their first visit to The Black Magic Room, RKO-Unique's talent scouts quickly decided that this unusual entertainer was a talent that should be enjoyed by people everywhere through a showcase of his own. Thus, "SOMETHING STRANGE"...a recorded showcase of folk song fascination.

Sit back, relax, listen and enjoy the songs of the handsome balladier in this unique collection.

1 comment:

  1. The cover is so out there from the music that it makes no sense whatsoever.


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