Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sears Golden Voices In Hollywood!

Gold Finger
Sears Golden Voices In Hollywood!

Back in the day when you could buy anything from Sears, including self-produced vinyl!

There is very little information to be found on this record. In fact, today, I can't even find another image of this album online. Maybe THIS record is the most obscure find ever? How could this budget gem have remained hidden this long?

From the back cover: Take the best professional singers you can find along with the Broadway beat. Add a top choral director to the blend them into an ensemble, and supply him with arrangements prepared especially by leading Broadway and Hollywood arrangers. Then take your group into the best equipped recording studio you can find. Spend a day – two days, if necessary – tampering with the controls until you've got everything just right. Then cut a record. You'll find the result in these grooves – a superb blending of some of America's best voices in a sound we guarantee you'll find breathtaking.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, LOVE IT! It's too much! Great cover. What a version of Goldfinger. HA!


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