Monday, August 16, 2010

The Colorful Percussions - Arthur Lyman


The Colorful Percussions of Arthur Lyman
Produced by Richard Vaughn
A&R Direction: Sonny Bono
Recording Supervisor: Richard Vaughn
Cover Photo: Camera Hawaii
Cover Design: Jax Brahm
HIFIRECORDS Life Series L-1005

From the back cover: With Arthur Lyman are his friends and fellow musicians: Harold Chang, percussionist; Allan Soares, Pianist; and John Kramer, Bass and Flute. Together they generate the power of a 20-piece band.

From Billboard - December 18, 1961: Arthur Lyman has another fine package to follow up on his potent "Yellow Bird" set that hit the charts. This album is loaded for bear with strong material. Included are ear-delighting performances of "Exodus," "Never On Sunday" and "Blue Hawaii." A swinging change of pace in the program is provided by the group's jazz interpretation of "Moaning." A solid potential seller.

I Talked To The Trees
Blue Hawaii
Rhumba Rhapsody
Aloha No Honolulu
Never On Sunday
(The Wreck Of The) John B
Tangi Tika
Geisha Waltz
Red Sails In The Sunset

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