Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Children's Favorites

Bird Counting Song
Children's Favorites
The Jinglehimers
HRB Music

Early 80s TV mail order record! For $4.99 you got a record in a very flimsy jacket with a horrible illustration printed on one side.

Amazingly, the songs are probably some of the better kid tunes I've heard, especially from most children's records produced in the 70s and 80s. The lyrics are quirky and the arrangements are interesting.


  1. LOL omg. I don't remember this commercial. "Ain't it great to be crazy" lol. the perfect tune for us as children.

  2. I had this record as a child and absolutely loved it! I can still hear each of these songs and their arrangements in my head to this very day. I remember taking it to 'record day' every week and at some point the other kids began requesting songs from the album each week because my album had become so popular with the class.

  3. Found this record as a download or CD on Amazon. Different cover.
    You need to specify the group the Jinglehimers because other albums have the same name. Exactly the same as the original.

  4. I just noticed the Amazon link to it. Nice it's up, but I can't help but consider the dubious quality of the recordings, obviously ripped from a decent vinyl copy, but at least we got something at all in the digital age if we must!


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