Friday, July 9, 2010

Zither Magic! - Ruth Welcome

Golden Earrings
Zither Magic
Ruth Welcome
Capitol RecordsSt 1279

This is a wonderful exotica offering from Columbia and Welcom. Magical, subdued and otherworldly.

The women on the cover is not Welcome but Dolores Greer. "A ballet dancer, and Michigan's entrant in a recent Miss America beauty contest – (don't let the witch costume fool you!) – she is one of Hollywood's top professional models. Talented as she is, Miss Greer assures us that in real life she practices neither black magic nor the zither."

Curious why Capitol had to go into this long explanation of the cover photo. I mean... who cares? And why the disclaimer? As if we are worried about Miss America practicing the black arts or, heaven forbid... the ZITHER!

Welcome played the Zither on at least 14 Capitol projects in the 50s. This album is apparently her 3rd LP for Capitol.

1 comment:

  1. HA! Isn't that GREAT? When I got this last week, the other Ruth Welcome records were along with it and they were all mint, brandy new!!


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