Monday, July 12, 2010

Korla Pandit Universal Language Volume 1

Korla Pandit
The Universal Language Of Music Volume 1
400 Series Private Collection
India Records
Recorded By Korla Pandit Productions

This is the red vinyl release of Pandit's excellent three record "Universal Language Of Music" set of records.

This is a great exotica album with spoken word voiceovers. Pandit experimented with his instrument, the organ and piano to create something that goes beyond your typical exotica offering. The music is quirky and the voiceovers simply add to the strangeness.

Pandit, very early on in pop music history, understood how to package himself for maximum effect. He created a mystical personality cult. His work is wonderful and highly interesting to collect.


  1. You are so right. I have to get this series.

  2. You know going back to your copy of Volume 3 I am reminded that it was autographed to Marc. I think Korla is channeling you.


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