Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Christmas With The Happy Crickets

The Chipmunk Song
Christmas With The Happy Crickets
Grand Prix Series KX-9
K.M. Corp.

Here's a shot of Christmas weirdness for my friends. Add another record to the children's LP stack that was made by running vocals through the "small cartoon insect doing helium filter". In all honesty, I was anticipating the pitch and speed/tempo shift filters... but the effect is so intense, I thought that my player was set to 45 RPM. I checked the speed and started the record again.

This is a very annoying record and a very funny record! The Happy Crickets do covers of traditional holiday songs which crack me up. The orchestration is actually very good. And then... The Crickets jump in to generate some weirdness.

Possibly as an inside joke, the producers include a cover of "The Chipmunk Song". The song isn't manipulated through the cartoon insect filter. It's great!

1 comment:

  1. How fabulous! Too funny to do the Chipmunk Song this way! I love it!


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