Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Story Of Dracula

The Story Of Dracula
Kid Stuff Records KS118
By The Kid Stuff Repertory Company

Horrible album cover art and the worst Dracula impersonation ever.


  1. OH this is a riot! I LOVE it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry about a full copy. I'm pretty sure that I didn't save the entire LP digitally.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. No problem. Heck... if I could find the LP, I'd mail it to you... so many records... stored is such a way that I have no idea where to start looking. Thanks for stopping by to say hey!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Howdy, name's Carl and I never post to blogs but this is special! Believe it or not I have been searching for this vinyl record FOREVER. My parents got it for me down in Florida when I was 10 years old and it was lost in a flood. Now I'm 41 and just being able to view the very cool (primitive) artwork is just one one the best, free things in life! Thank you Mark for posting this! I wish the entire production was posted but beggars cannot be choosers. What you have given me is a template to be able to do a more structured search for this album now. Also in today's world of over produced packages things like this will always stand out!!

  8. Mark, how do I buy this from you?

    1. Yes, I own all the LPs featured on my blogs, but I don't sell the records unless I might have a dup copy on hand and then the project becomes locating the record in the boxes and stacks of boxes I keep here. Sorry I can't help you on this one.

  9. Did you make this cover?! Did I understand that right? Holy wow!

  10. Selling on ebay in a day or two....


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