Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today's Top Hits

Way Down

Today's Top Hits - by The Homestead
Homestead Records
1977 By "Fantastic-F, Inc.

Here we have a budget exploitation record. The front cover and rear cover are EXACTLY the same. Sporting an cheesy stock photo. Nowhere on the jacket is there a track list.

The track "Way Down" is the last single Elvis put out before his death.


  1. HA! YES but YOU bought it for another reason altogether. And those kinds of records are almost universally bad. Even the budget cover has little merit.

  2. Yes... I hoped for horrible and schmaltzy cover tunes! YES... the whole project is "flat" like the cover... it's almost as if it doesn't exist... yet it does!

  3. It's so old. I just hate old songs.

  4. New songs are much better than ols songs.


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