Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Maysa - The Sound Of Love

No Medio Da Noite
The Sound Of Love
Orchestra Conducted By Simonetti
UA (UAL 3034) 1959

Here we have an exotic artist from Brazil. From the jacket notes, United Artists apparently discovered Maysa and produced this album for the U.S. market. I did attempt to research Maysa and this album and came up with zero.

She was stunning, as you can tell from the jacket photo. She preforms in her native language, which of course, is exotic. The arrangements are a cool mix of mellow jazz, mood and "Brazilian" music.

I wonder whatever happened to Maysa (pronounced Mahee-za)?

This tidbit from the jacket: A young woman of unusual beauty, very little is known of Maysa. Unlike its curious North American counterpart, the Brazilian public seems able to respect the wish for privacy of its star performers. It is known, however, that she is from a well-to-do family in Rio, a "society girl" with a beautiful voice who had no need nor desire for a career.

1 comment:

  1. OH yes! Now it's working! FABULOUS!! Love the cover and the Exotica of it. The music is GREAT!


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