Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mrs. Miller's Greatest Hits


Mrs. Miller's Greatest Hits
Produced by Lex De Azevedo
Cover Photo: Capitol Records - Ken Veeder
Capitol Records T 2494

From the back cover: Several years ago, I had the pleasure of hearing one of the most interesting voices extant... one that brings to mind to tonal qualities of a Florence Foster Jenkins or a Mrs. B. J. Fangman.

The voice belongs to Mrs. Elva Miller, a charming lady who lives in the pretty little Hollywood suburb of Claremont, California, with her husband, Mr. Miller.

As a young girl, Elva was very interested in music and took vocal lessons for seven years. The impeccable diction found in her singing style is probably due, in part, to the fact that she has listened to opera recording very closely. As you recall, Mrs. Miller was one of the founders of the Foothill Drama and Choral Society... in which she served as executive secretary.

At the request of her family she stopped singing in public because of the strain of becoming too involved in public life... so in place of her many civic appearances, she took up recording... and for the last seven years, Mrs. Miller has been driving to Hollywood from Claremont to make recordings for her own pleasure. – Gary Owens - KMPC, Hollywood

The Shadow Of Your Smile
A Hard Day's Night
Dear Heart
Chim Chim Cher-ee
These Boots Are Made For Walkin'
A Lover's Concerto
Let's Hang On
Catch A Falling Star
Gonna Be Like That
My Love


  1. I read about her recently. Something about old ladies recording records that's fun and endearing. ( I mean those that have not had a lifelong music career)

    "Mother, you should make a record". Rock On Mrs. Miller.

  2. I bought this record at a yard sale about 15 years ago from a woman who was about the same age as Mrs. Miller. A couple of years later, the woman saw me in the grocery store, remembered my face, and then asked for her record back. I did her a favour and told her that she had the wrong guy (:->

  3. You kidding?!! That's a WILD story! Thanks for sharing!


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