Saturday, April 28, 2012

Meet Our Neighborhood Helpers

The Dentist
Meet Our Neighborhood Helpers
Ultrasound Records ULT-3360

Worried about what the dentist is going to do to you? Fear not for he is kind and gentle.

Meet Our Neighborhood Helpers
The Policeman
The Fireman
The Sanitation Man
The Librarian
The Teacher
The Doctor
The Dentist
The Bus Driver

Friday, April 27, 2012

Choreosonic Music Of The New Dance Theatre Of Alwin Nikolais

Shivaree A Playful Exorcising Of Imps (Mirrors, 1958)
Choreosonic Music Of The New Dance Theatre Of Alwin Nikolais
Hanover-Signature Record Coporation HM 5005

The music on this album, for the most part, is made up of somewhat disjunctive percussive "sounds". The recording features a dramatic and appealing rhythm structure and there are differences enough, from track to track, to make for a listen that I found riveting.

Check out Alwin Nikolais's wiki page.

Monday, April 23, 2012


High Flying Bird
Dunhill DS-50049

Musicians: Torn Brown - Lead Guitar, Joe Osborn - Bass, Hal Blaine - Drums and Percussion, Larry Knechtel - Piano and Organ, Ron Wells - Rhythm Guitar and Banjo and Nancy (and Ron) Brown, vocals.

Produced by Steve Barri. Strings arranged by Jimmie Haskell.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Red Roses For A Blue Lady - The Symbols

Blue Hour

Red Roses For A Blue Lady
The Symbols
Compose 98013

From the back cover: The Symbols - Five youngsters ranging from 16 to 21 years of age. Respective instruments: Amplified Bass Guitar, Fender Guitar, Electric Guitar, Drums and Hammond Organ.

Budget release on which the tracks butt up against one another to make room for "Over One Hour Of Music".

The cover art is misleading. The recording is made up of a curious blend of easy listening, heavy on the steel guitar which gives some of the music a "country/Hawaiian" vibe. But there are a number of good tracks on this album with a 60s groove (not to mention the surprise blues track... hope I selected the correct track title above).